Nelson Delicieux Mihajaritiana explains how RCOC uses IORIS to address maritime challenges
Nelson Delicieux Mihajaritiana explains how RCOC uses IORIS to address maritime challenges Nelson Delicieux Mihajaritiana, International Liaison Officer for Madagascar. IORIS is a communication tool for interagency cooperation. In our everyday task at the RCOC...
Alexandru Chiric, CRIMARIO expert, explains the role of the IORIS Policy Board
Alexandru Chiric, CRIMARIO expert, explains the role of the IORIS Policy Board The Policy Board I am honoured to chair has a twofold mandate. On the one hand, it is to provide strategic recommendations and guidance to the IORIS Steering Committee in order for it to...
Elie El Sayah, CRIMARIO expert, explains the mandate of the Operational Working Group
Elie El Sayah, CRIMARIO expert, explains the mandate of the Operational Working Group The Operational Working Group’s mandate focuses on three main aspects: first, to ensure IORIS continues to meet the needs of maritime operations across the Indo-Pacific region. This...
Diego Ron, CRIMARIO expert, explains the mandate of the IORIS Legal Working Group
Diego Ron, CRIMARIO expert, explains the mandate of the IORIS Legal Working Group The Legal Working Group’s mandate is to ensure that IORIS is used according to laws and regulations, including the European Union General Data Protection Regulation. We host the...
Dave Nattrass, CRIMARIO deputy director, explains the mandate of the IORIS Technical Working Group
Dave Nattrass, CRIMARIO deputy director, explains the mandate of the IORIS Technical Working Group The Technical Working group is mandated to develop guidelines on maintaining and updating IORIS, including overseeing the development. This working group is composed of...
Martin Cauchi-Inglott, CRIMARIO Project Director, explains what IORIS is.
Martin Cauchi-Inglott, CRIMARIO Project Director, explains what IORIS is. Much is said about the importance of exchanging information at the national and regional level, as no organisation or entity is able to tackle maritime threats and challenges alone. Indeed, it...
Why and how can IORIS support national and regional cooperation?
Why and how can IORIS support national and regional cooperation? Q. 1 Why and how can IORIS support national and regional cooperation? “I think IORIS can support national and regional cooperation by providing a platform for information sharing and serve as a...
How does IORIS support maritime security?
How does IORIS support maritime security? “IORIS supports maritime security through information sharing and collaboration. One country’s outgoing threat is another country’s incoming threat, and it’s important that countries come together,...
How can IORIS help fight Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing?
How can IORIS help fight Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing? “The advantages and benefits of IORIS Information sharing are well established and well known, and its importance in controlling continues to spread across the region. But in terms of...
How can IORIS help with Search and Rescue at sea ?
How can IORIS help with Search and Rescue at sea ? In this sense, the solution that IORIS provides allows us to share information quickly, via all means and to all administrations. We have a very clear idea of the situation and of the evolution of a situation, and we...
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