Martin Cauchi-Inglott, CRIMARIO Project Director, explains what IORIS is.

Many of you have heard about CRIMARIO’s prime software tool, IORIS. What is IORIS exactly, and what added value does this bring?

 Much is said about the importance of exchanging information at the national and regional level, as no organisation or entity is able to tackle maritime threats and challenges alone. Indeed, it is no longer a question of why we should exchange information but how we should exchange information. To deal with intricate situations at sea, we need to integrated and secure information exchange systems and IORIS was designed to be precisely that system. IORIS is a neutral, reliable and secure user friendly platform offering maritime operation and information centres with a unique capability to be able to communicate and exchange operational information on a diverse range of challenges in real-time. IORIS also offers limited satellite services; it connects domestic and international stakeholders to address the evolving challenges manifesting within the maritime domain; the platform does not replace or replicate any other systems but complements and enhances existing platforms; it is web-based implying that it can be used by vessels at sea; it is secure using a cloud hosting environments that ensures data integrity while affording secure accessibility to authorised users; it’s sustainable also because the European Union is prepared to continue funding its running costs in the longer term, if partners commit to use the platform; but, most importantly, IORIS is regionally governed: in fact just last May the IORIS Steering Committee was established and this is now composed of IORIS users who, together with CRIMARIO, will define the future policy and developments of the system. The rapid growth of the IORIS community over the last year, with over 50 civilian and military organisations now using the platform daily in over 25 countries, is in itself a true testimony of the success of the platform, and we now look forward to expanding its use to other communities including the maritime industry. Thank you for your attention.