On the 6 and 7 December, more than 80 senior officials from 20 countries across the Indo Pacific met in Mahé, to discuss how IORIS, a neural and secure web-based communications tool, could be used to exchange information and respond effectively to maritime security threats and manage incidents at sea.

During the two -day event, senior officials from Indian Ocean countries, together with national and international agencies and organisations involved in maritime security analysed the potential of the IORIS platform as a sustainable, and in the future, regionally owned tool, to fight maritime challenges such as terrorism at sea, port security, illegal unreported and unregulated fishing, maritime pollution, and explored ways on how to enhance the platform.

The conference is the first of a series of regional events to build communities of users and enrich and enhance the IORIS Network, by examining how the platform can be exploited further, to become a truly regional platform, owned and managed by all actors working in the Indo Pacific region.

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